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Image by garrett parker
Moderation • Mediation • Consulting

Since I started my professional career over 15 years ago, it has always been important to me to understand not only technical and scientific tasks, but also the people behind them and their motivations.


The solutions to factual challenges often also depend on communicative factors. I developed my current portfolio from this interplay of science and communication.

Dr. Daniel Frank

As someone who finds joy in sharing knowledge and making it tangible, I place an emphasis on helping people implement their ideas into practice.

I can access a wide portfolio of tools and formats to support you and make your event successful.

As a moderator, I offer you the following services:

  • Moderation of events and discussion formats, including audience interaction and the use of digital tools

  • Thorough preparation for the moderation in close cooperation with the organizer, including format, content aspects and speakers


In the entrepreneurial world, values are constantly generated and experiences are accumulated, often spanning generations. Active listening and intercultural collaboration are key factors for good cooperation.

I specialize in business mediation in order to help defuse conflicts and promote mutual cooperation in both the entrepreneurial environment and in group or community dialogue settings.

Listening and communicating on an equal level serves as the foundation of my practice, because as a mediator I do not provide a solution myself but accompany you on your journey.



As a project manager, stakeholder representative and global consultant for water management services, I can draw on a broad portfolio of experiences.


I work fact-based and goal-oriented to make your project a success. The focus is always on you as the customer, while also keeping an eye on the matter at hand.


Excerpts from my portfolio:

  • Developing scenarios, advising municipal actors, organizing workshops, creating data sheets on technologies and their environmental impacts

  • Member of EU expert working groups on fertilisers and resource recovery

  • Scaling-up of water loops, creating system boundaries and developing methods for water cycle management

  • Combining existing scientific information with practical experiences tailored to needs of target groups

  • Strategy development to avoid contamination of groundwater and river water by inorganic pollutants

  • Strategic government advice on ramping up the hydrogen economy

  • Study on the water use potential for green hydrogen, skills development


About me

My professional journey started with a scientific doctorate in chemistry and most recently led me to complete an extesive mediator certification training.

I may have turned around a few times but never walked in circles, instead always searching for a new vantage point.

Coming from the background rooted in curiosity and fact-based analysis as a natural scientist, I am ready to assist you in all situations as an empathetic, attentive conflict resolver and advisor.



  • Chemical Engineering in Jülich

  • Doctorate in Stuttgart

  • Mediator training at Akademie von Hertel, Hamburg

  •  Technical expertise, international project management & consulting in the areas of water and hydrogen

  • Moderation experience: conferences, workshops, various discussion formats

  • Mediation skills in companies and associations

Über mich
Anker 1


  • SKion GmbH, Bad Homburg

  • Motsi Technologies Group, Windhoek, Namibia

  • Emschergenossenschaft, Essen

  • Deutsche Phosphor-Plattform DPP, Frankfurt

  • European Desalination Society, Rome, Italy

  • DECHEMA e.V., Frankfurt

  • Deutsches Institut für Normung, e.V., Berlin

  • Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Berlin

  • German Water Partnership, Berlin

  • Isle Utilities GmbH, Berlin

  • Hessisches Umweltministerium, Wiesbaden

  • Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, Osnabrück

  • Verein Deutscher Ingenieure VDI e.V., Düsseldorf

  • Fraunhofer Institut für Grenzflächen- und Bioverfahrenstechnik, Stuttgart



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